
24.10 那个下午 我在河中跳舞


I dance in the river
I walk thru the water 
and I long for a warm hug

I sit on a stone
I gaze to the sky 
and I wait for a comfort kiss

This is a soothing afternoon
The trees are swaying gently 
The wind is light like feathers
The butterfly flies around me 

I wait silently
I ponder quietly
and I know there will be no body

I keep dancing lonely
I keep walking on my toes softly
and suddenly I fall down into the river

I heard someone is laughing
But I know there is no body with me
and then I crawl up and look around carefully 

ah....it is a dream
a dream that I fly to the river side
a dream that I play in the water
a dream that is only me but without you


#生活 #日子 #记录
#相信爱 #相信自己
#一个人的期待 #随意写一篇思念 #riverside
#naturelover #solowalker #lovelife 



嗨,地球憨人 今天起继续和自己对话 即使世界很吵,人类偶尔很烂 还是要相信也有谧静的时刻,美好的人们。  将近5个月给心灵休息,好好地休息,好好地疗愈。 地球憨人如今想要拥抱自己,告诉自己你是你, 即使他人的眼里还是那个憨人,然而你确实知道, 心里的花儿已经盛放,简单而美丽的。 ...