
when I fall ...

is it the time
I don't know
is it the moment
I don't know

I stare thru the window
there is no focus
there is no sound

longing for a voice from the sky
there is only water drop as raining sound

I stand underneath the coconut tree
he is tall and i just look up all the time
when I come to this world
he is already there

I ask him
do I deserve love
i wait for an answer until sunset
and i only listen to wind whispering

I know I shall not ask him
as he is just a coconut tree

i like shadow
i like darkness
as I truly understand
shadow appears cuz of sunlight shines
darkness rises cuz of brightness calls

i like to gaze to the sky
looking up to the blue and the white
i know even I'm alone
it will not be taking too long
as the earth spins on its axis
the two souls will meet

the sun will rise, the shadow will come
the bright will show, the darkness will grow

i try to carry
but sometime i fall
and it hurts
I know
the only one who can carry me
is always myself


#生活 #日子 #记录
#相信爱 #相信自己
#想要被珍惜 #听不见的温柔 #写一篇思念 #darkness
#naturelover #solowalker #lovelife



嗨,地球憨人 今天起继续和自己对话 即使世界很吵,人类偶尔很烂 还是要相信也有谧静的时刻,美好的人们。  将近5个月给心灵休息,好好地休息,好好地疗愈。 地球憨人如今想要拥抱自己,告诉自己你是你, 即使他人的眼里还是那个憨人,然而你确实知道, 心里的花儿已经盛放,简单而美丽的。 ...