
black and white, and the moon says hi

You see the white
I see the black
who see the grey 

You say I am the white
I say you are the black
then who is the grey

The earth is blue
The nature is green
The flower is red
What is black
What is white

Maybe it is a dream
a classic dream
with an old story
that we have forgotten
long time ago 

tried to recall
tried to remember
that night
where the dream begins
at a special place
where the soul rest
where the tears grow

Now I understand
 the dream and the place
where black and white arise
where life meets death

What an amazing night 
when the moon says hi
and I start to write
a poem tells an old story
it is about
black and white


#生活 #日子 #记录
#相信爱 #相信自己
#颜色的力量 #随意写一篇思念 #black&white
#naturelover #solowalker #lovelife 



嗨,地球憨人 今天起继续和自己对话 即使世界很吵,人类偶尔很烂 还是要相信也有谧静的时刻,美好的人们。  将近5个月给心灵休息,好好地休息,好好地疗愈。 地球憨人如今想要拥抱自己,告诉自己你是你, 即使他人的眼里还是那个憨人,然而你确实知道, 心里的花儿已经盛放,简单而美丽的。 ...